Source code for mapsims.so_utils

from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
from . import SO_Noise_Calculator_Public_20180822 as so_noise

Channel = namedtuple("Channel", ["telescope", "band"])

[docs]def get_bands(telescope): """Returns the available bands for a telescope Parameters ---------- telescope : {"SA", "LA"} Returns ------- bands : ndarray of ints Available bands """ bands = getattr( so_noise, "Simons_Observatory_V3_{}_bands".format(telescope) )().astype( return bands
[docs]def get_band_index(telescope, band): bands = get_bands(telescope) try: band_index = bands.tolist().index(band) except ValueError: print( "Band {} not available, available bands for {} are {}".format( band, telescope, bands ) ) raise return band_index
[docs]def get_beam(telescope, band): """Returns the beam in arcminutes for a band Parameters ---------- telescope : {"SA", "LA"} band : int Band center frequency in GHz Returns ------- beam : float Full width half max in arcmin """ beams = getattr(so_noise, "Simons_Observatory_V3_{}_beams".format(telescope))() return beams[get_band_index(telescope, band)]