
class mapsims.SONoiseSimulator(nside, ell_max=None, seed=None, return_uK_CMB=True, sensitivity_mode='baseline', apply_beam_correction=True, apply_kludge_correction=True, scanning_strategy='classical', LA_number_LF=1, LA_number_MF=4, LA_number_UHF=2, SA_years_LF=1, SA_one_over_f_mode='pessimistic')[source] [edit on github]

Bases: object

Simulate noise maps for Simons Observatory

Simulate the noise power spectrum in spherical harmonics domain and then generate a map in microK_CMB or microK_RJ (based on return_uK_CMB)

In the constructor, this object calls the published 20180822 noise simulator and generates the expected noise power spectra for all channels. Then you need to call the simulate method with a channel identifier to create a simulated map.

nside : int


ell_max : int

Maximum ell for the angular power spectrum, if not provided set to 3 * nside

seed : int

Numpy random seed, each band is going to get a different seed as seed + band + (1000 for SA)

return_uK_CMB : bool

True, output is in microK_CMB, False output is in microK_RJ

sensitivity_mode : str

Value should be threshold, baseline or goal to use predefined sensitivities

apply_beam_correction : bool

Include the effect of the beam in the noise angular power spectrum

apply_kludge_correction : bool

If True, reduce the hitcount by a factor of 0.85 to account for not-uniformity in the scanning

scanning_strategy : str

Choose between the available scanning strategy hitmaps “classical” or “opportunistic” or path to a custom hitmap, it will be normalized, absolute hitcount does not matter

LA_number_LF : int

Number of Low Frequency tubes in LAT

LA_number_MF : int

Number of Medium Frequency tubes in LAT

LA_number_UHF : int

Number of Ultra High Frequency tubes in LAT

SA_years_LF : int

Number of years for the Low Frequency detectors to be deployed on the Small Aperture telescopes

SA_one_over_f_mode : {“pessimistic”, “optimistic”, “none”}

Correlated noise performance of the detectors on the Small Aperture telescopes

Methods Summary

simulate(ch[, output_units]) Create a random realization of the noise power spectrum

Methods Documentation

simulate(ch, output_units='uK_CMB')[source] [edit on github]

Create a random realization of the noise power spectrum

ch : mapsims.Channel

Channel identifier, create with e.g. mapsims.Channel(“SA”, 27)

output_map : ndarray

Numpy array with the HEALPix map realization of noise