
class mapsims.MapSim(channels, nside, num=0, unit='uK_CMB', output_folder='output', tag='mapsim', output_filename_template='simonsobs_{telescope}{band}_nside{nside}.fits', pysm_components_string=None, pysm_output_reference_frame='C', pysm_custom_components=None, other_components=None, instrument_parameters=None)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: object

Run map based simulations

MapSim executes PySM for each of the input channels with a sky defined by default PySM components in pysm_components_string and custom components in pysm_custom_components and rotates in Alm space to the reference frame pysm_output_reference_frame. Then for each of the channels specified, smoothes the map with the channel beam and finally adds the map generated by other_components, for example noise maps, and writes the outputs to disk.


all/SO for all channels, LA for all Large Aperture channels, SA for Small, otherwise a single channel label, e.g. LA_27 or a list of channel labels, or “027” for “LA_27” and “SA_27”


output HEALPix Nside


Unit of output maps


Relative or absolute path to output folder, string template with {nside} and {tag} fields


Realization number, generally used as seed, default is 0, automatically padded to 4 digits


String to describe the current simulation, for example its content, which is used into string interpolation for output_folder and output_filename_template


String template with {telescope} {channel} {nside} {tag} fields


Comma separated string of PySM components, i.e. “s1,d4,a2”


The output of PySM is in Galactic coordinates, rotate to C for Equatorial or E for Ecliptic, set to None to apply no rotation


Dictionary of other components executed through PySM


Dictionary of component name, component class pairs, the output of these are not rotated, they should already be in the same reference frame specified in pysm_output_reference_frame.

instrument_parametersHDF5 file path or str

Instrument parameters in HDF5 format, each channel tag is a group, each group has attributes band, center_frequency_GHz, fwhm_arcmin, bandpass_frequency_GHz, bandpass_weight

Methods Summary

execute(self[, write_outputs])

Run map simulations

Methods Documentation

execute(self, write_outputs=False)[source] [edit on github]

Run map simulations

Execute simulations for all channels and write to disk the maps, unless write_outputs is False, then return them.