
class mapsims.SOStandalonePrecomputedCMB(num, nside=None, shape=None, wcs=None, lensed=True, aberrated=False, has_polarization=True, cmb_set=0, cmb_dir=None, input_units='uK_CMB', input_reference_frequency=None, map_dist=None)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: so_pysm_models.PrecomputedAlms

Equivalent of SOPrecomputedCMB to be executed outside of PySM. This is useful if you are not simulating any other component with PySM. It loads the Alms in the constructor. When simulate(ch) is called, it convolves the Alms with the beam, generates a map and applies unit conversion. The lensing potential map corresponding to the simulation can be obtained by calling get_phi_alm().

Methods Summary

get_phi_alm(self) Return the lensing potential (phi) alms corresponding to this sim
simulate(self, ch[, output_units]) Return a simulated noise map for a specific Simons Observatory channel

Methods Documentation

get_phi_alm(self)[source] [edit on github]

Return the lensing potential (phi) alms corresponding to this sim

simulate(self, ch, output_units='uK_CMB')[source] [edit on github]

Return a simulated noise map for a specific Simons Observatory channel

ch : mapsims.Channel

Simons Observatory Channel object

output_units : str

Units as defined by pysm.convert_units, e.g. uK_CMB or K_RJ