
Configuration file

First you need to create a configuration file, see data/example_config_v0.2.toml included in the package or in the repository.

It first defines some global configuration options like output \(N_{side}\), the desired output unit and the channels, and a tag to define the output filenames, then has 2 sections. They both define subsections with a class attribute that specifies which object should be instantiated; all other arguments are passed into the class constructor.

  • The pysm_components subsection allows to choose any pre-existing PySM model (using pysm_components_string and pysm_output_reference_frame) and later add any custom class, for example one from so_pysm_models.
  • The other_components section instead includes models that generate a map to be summed after PySM has been executed, for example the noise simulation.

All the arguments to the different components are defined by each class, the most general components are defined in so_pysm_models, see the documentation, for example so_pysm_models.WebSkyCIB, the models specific to Simons Observatory are instead defined directly in mapsims, for example SONoiseSimulator. Another option is to look through the available simulations in the Map-based simulations repository and inspect the toml configuration files that were used for previous simulations.

channels supports both simulating the Simons Observatory channels with top-hat bandpasses. If you specify channels named by the tube and the band name, for example "ST3_LF2", the simulations are executed with top-hat bandpasses (10 equally spaced points within the band integrated with the Trapezoidal rule). If you specify shortcuts for groups of channels, i.e. "all", "telescope:LA" or "telescope:SA". We also support simulating a dichroic tube which includes also the full covariance due to the atmosphere, in this case you can set channels to a tube tag, e.g. "tube:ST3" for the Small Aperture telescope tube 3 which includes the LF1 and LF2 bands.

The simulation seed

All the components which are not deterministic accept a configuration option num that sets the seeds for the random number generator in order to being able to reproduce the exact same simulation later on, for example SONoiseSimulator. Or they pre-load a specific realization of simulations that were previously executed, for example SOPrecomputedCMB.. The components also automatically apply a shift on the seed based on the channel that you are simulating so that the seeds for the channels are always different.

mapsims configuration files have a global simulation number num defined in the top level of the configuration file (or the constructor of MapSim). This number is automatically also passed to all the different components so that it uniquely identifies a specific simulation. You are allowed to override this by also setting the num parameter separately in the component classes.

Simulate other instruments

A custom instrument can be defined by providing instrument parameters via a HDF5 file in a specified format, see MapSim for details on the format. Planck channels at single frequencies are embedded in the package, pass instrument_parameters="planck_deltabandpass" to select it. See also planck_deltabandpass.h5 in the mapsims/data folder as an example of the format.

Example of accessing the file:

In [1]: import h5py

In [2]: f = h5py.File("planck_deltabandpass.h5")

In [3]: f.keys()
Out[3]: <KeysViewHDF5 ['030', '044', '070', '100', '143', '217', '353', '545', '857']>

In [4]: f["143"].attrs
Out[4]: <Attributes of HDF5 object at 46913457708992>

In [5]: list(f["143"].attrs)
Out[5]: ['band', 'center_frequency_GHz', 'fwhm_arcmin']

In [6]: f["143"].attrs["center_frequency_GHz"]
Out[6]: 142.876


mapsims_run is a script included in the package, it can be used to execute pipelines described in a configuration file in the terminal and write the output to FITS files:

mapsims_run example_config_v0.2.toml

It also supports overriding from the command line a subset of the parameters, here the full list:

mapsims_run --nside 32 --channels tube:ST1 --num 4 example_config_v0.2.toml

MapSims object

Create the simulator object with:

import mapsims
simulator = mapsims.from_config("example_config_v0.2.toml")

This returns a MapSims object, then you can produce the output maps with:

output_maps = simulator.execute()

Python classes

Using instead the Python classes, we first need to create the custom component objects, as an example we will use all defaults options:

>>> import mapsims
>>> NSIDE = 16
>>> cmb = mapsims.SOPrecomputedCMB(
...     num=0,
...     nside=NSIDE,
...     lensed=False,
...     aberrated=False,
...     has_polarization=True,
...     cmb_set=0,
...     cmb_dir="mapsims/tests/data",
...     input_units="uK_CMB",
... )

Then we can create a SONoiseSimulator, the most important parameter is the scanning strategy, it can be either “classical” or “opportunistic”:

>>> noise = mapsims.SONoiseSimulator(
...     nside=NSIDE,
...     return_uK_CMB=True,
...     sensitivity_mode="baseline",
...     apply_beam_correction=True,
...     apply_kludge_correction=True,
...     SA_one_over_f_mode="pessimistic",
... )

Finally we can create the MapSim simulator object and pass the PySM custom component and the noise simulator as dictionaries, we can also specify any default model from PySM as a comma separated string, e.g. “d7,a1,s2”:

>>> simulator = mapsims.MapSim(
...     channels="ST0",
...     nside=NSIDE,
...     unit="uK_CMB",
...     pysm_output_reference_frame="G",
...     pysm_components_string="a1",
...     pysm_custom_components={"cmb": cmb},
...     other_components={"noise": noise},
... )

and compute the output map using the execute method:

>>> output_map = simulator.execute()

write instead directly output FITS maps to disk with:

>>> simulator.execute(write_outputs=True)