Source code for mapsims.channel_utils

from astropy.utils import data
from astropy.table import QTable
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from pathlib import Path

[docs]class Channel: @u.quantity_input def __init__( self, tag, telescope, band, tube, beam: u.arcmin, center_frequency: u.GHz, nside=None, car_resol: u.arcmin = None, bandpass=None, **kwargs, ): """Base class of a channel Each channel will be used to produce an output map Parameters ---------- tag : str channel identifier telescope : str telescope name band : str identifier of the frequency band, useful for multiple channels with different beams but same frequency response beam : u.arcmin full-width-half-max of the beam, assumed gaussian center_frequency : u.GHz center frequency of the channel, it is also necessary when a bandpass is provided nside : int Native HEALPix resolution parameter $N_{side}$ car_resol: u.arcmin Native CAR pixelization resolution parameter in arcmin bandpass : (np.array, np.array) dimensionless frequency response of the channel, the weighting will be performed in power units, MJ/sr kwargs : other keyword arguments Any other keyword arguments is added as an attribute to the object """ self.tag = tag self.telescope = telescope = band self.beam = beam = tube self.center_frequency = center_frequency self.nside = nside self.car_resol = car_resol self.bandpass = bandpass for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v) def __repr__(self): return "Channel " + self.tag
[docs]def parse_channels(filter="all", instrument_parameters=None): """Create a list of Channel objects from a HDF5 and an optional filter Reads a HDF5 file which contains the instruments parameters and parses it into a list of Channel objects, by default all channels are included. Parameters ---------- instrument_parameters : str or Path See the instrument_parameters argument of MapSim filter : str or None See the channels argument of MapSim Returns ------- channel_objects_list : list of Channel objects or list of tuples of Channel objects List of the selected Channel objects, in case of tubes, we return a list where each element is the tuple of the Channel objects in a tube. This is useful to simulate correlated noise. """ assert ( instrument_parameters is not None ), "Need to specify an instrument parameters file" if not isinstance( instrument_parameters, Path ) and not instrument_parameters.endswith("tbl"): instrument_parameters = data.get_pkg_data_filename( "data/{i}/{i}.tbl".format(i=instrument_parameters) ) instrument_parameters = Path(instrument_parameters) # Need a valid filter_key to avoid errors below filter_key = "fwhm" if filter != "all": if ":" not in filter: filter_values = filter else: filter_key, filter_values = filter.split(":") filter_values = filter_values.split(",") channel_objects_list = [] table =, format="ascii.ipac") for row in table: try: tag = row["tag"] except KeyError: tag = row["band"] if ( filter == "all" or (tag in filter_values) or (row[filter_key] in filter_values) ): try: telescope = row["telescope"] except KeyError: telescope =".")[0].split("_")[0] try: tube = row["tube"] except KeyError: tube = telescope try: bandpass_filename = instrument_parameters.parent / row["bandpass_file"] bandpass =, format="ascii.ipac") except KeyError: bandpass = { "bandpass_frequency": row["center_frequency"], "bandpass_weight": np.ones(1), } # this loops through all column names so should pickup also # nside and car_resol other_metadata = { name: row[name] for name in row.colnames if name not in ["band", "tag", "fwhm", "telescope", "tube"] } channel_objects_list.append( Channel( tag=tag, band=row["band"], bandpass=( bandpass["bandpass_frequency"], bandpass["bandpass_weight"], ), beam=row["fwhm"], telescope=telescope, tube=tube, **other_metadata, ) ) # just for tubes, return tuples of channel pairs if filter_key == "tube": out = [] for tube in filter_values: out.append(tuple([ch for ch in channel_objects_list if == tube])) channel_objects_list = out return channel_objects_list