mapsims Documentation

mapsims is a Python 3 package to produce map based simulations for the Simons Observatory or other CMB experiments.

It creates simulated maps in HEALPix and CAR pixelization based on:

  • Foreground models included in PySM
  • Custom foregrounds models from the so_pysm_models package
  • Precomputed Cosmic Microwave Background simulations
  • Noise simulations based on expected performance and simulated hitmaps
  • Effect of gaussian beam convolution


mapsims Package


from_config(config_file[, override])
get_default_so_resolution(ch[, field]) Load the default Simons Observatory resolution
parse_channels([filter, instrument_parameters]) Create a list of Channel objects from a HDF5 and an optional filter
test(**kwargs) Run the tests for the package.


Channel(tag, telescope, band, tube, beam, …) Base class of a channel
MapSim(channels[, nside, num, nsplits, …]) Run map based simulations
SONoiseSimulator([nside, shape, wcs, …]) Simulate noise maps for Simons Observatory
SOPrecomputedCMB(num[, nside, shape, wcs, …]) Return a CMB map from stored alm’s.
SOStandalonePrecomputedCMB(num[, nside, …]) Equivalent of SOPrecomputedCMB to be executed outside of PySM.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of mapsims.channel_utils.Channel, mapsims.runner.MapSim, mapsims.noise.SONoiseSimulator, mapsims.cmb.SOPrecomputedCMB, mapsims.cmb.SOStandalonePrecomputedCMB, mapsims.UnsupportedPythonError